The dining table 2023 (detail)
The dining table 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
Fantastic voyage 2023 (detail)
Fantastic voyage 2023 (ground floor) photo: Eva Broekema
Fantastic voyage 2023 (detail) photo: Roderik Henderson
Still and The letter 2023 photo: Eva Broekema
Dancing shoes and Left 2023 photo: Eva Broekema
Landscapes and The approaching storm 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
Landscape III 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
Landscape VIII 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
The dollshouse 2023 photo: Eva Broekema
The Exhibition 2023
<I>The dining table</I> 2023 (detail)
<I>The dining table</I> 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
<I>Fantastic voyage</I> 2023 (detail)
<I>Fantastic voyage</I> 2023  (ground floor) photo: Eva Broekema
<I>Fantastic voyage</I> 2023 (detail) photo: Roderik Henderson
<I>Still</I> and <I>The letter</I> 2023 photo: Eva Broekema
<I>Dancing shoes</I> and <I>Left</I> 2023 photo: Eva Broekema
<I>Landscapes</I>  and <I>The approaching storm</I> 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
<I>Landscape III</I> 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
<I>Landscape VIII</I> 2023 photo: Roderik Henderson
<I>The dollshouse</I> 2023 photo: Eva Broekema
<I>The  Exhibition</I> 2023
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In Ruurlo Castle I got the opportunity to show my work in a number of rooms on the top floor, but it started off with three books on the shelves one level lower. The subtle start of Fantastic voyage surrounded by paintings of Carel Willink. The castle hosts a large collection of this Dutch painter. The interior was specially designed for his work with very distinct colours for the walls. 
Also permanently on view are a number of gowns designed by Fong Leng. I chose to react to the rooms of the castle as if the occupants had just left interlaced with references to my own life. 
I made new work like the sculpted shoes on the stairs and the dollshouse with the covered objects. The dining table with glasses and plates shielded from dust with a layer of unfolded white organdy suggesting a mountainrange. The alabaster serviettes resembling small scale landscapes. They were surrounded by the oils series. The voyage ended with The exhibition with the suitcase next to the table, referring to Duchamps ‘La boîte-en-valise’.
There’s a short video which gives an impression of the show.